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Top 4 Gardening Trends and Ideas for 2021

Written by MS
01/02/2021 10:08:39


Gardening Trends and Ideas

It may only be February, and things are still a bit cold (and wet) outside but, in the coming months, the sun will begin to make its appearance again! That means it’s time to start thinking about your garden or outdoor space and how you can make it more usable this year. 
This year, it’s more important than ever to have an attractive outdoor space where you’re happy to spend some quality time. We’re still not sure when lockdown might be lifted in the UK and holidays abroad are looking increasingly unlike, so we all need a fresh and inviting space to keep us sane and away from the TV for a little while. 
That’s why, in this latest blog from The Plastic People, we are going over the top gardening trends of 2021 to help you spruce up your outdoor space, and make it even more Instagram-able! As with all our design blogs, the majority of our ideas and tips will be DIY-focused and cost-effective as we understand how difficult the financial situation is for many people this year. 
Without further ado, let’s dive right in and start thinking about all things green, gardening and great! If you’re a more ‘visual’ thinker, you can check out some of Pinterest boards for more ideas about modern garden design. Click here to head there right now. 
1. Investing in Green
It goes without saying that the most impactful activity for any outdoor space is some good, old-fashioned gardening: The sort that involves getting on your knees and putting your hands in the dirt! Since the start of the pandemic, gardening has become a popular activity to help people pass the time and feel more of a connection with the natural earth. 
Now, gardening is a scary activity for many of us (including some of my colleagues here at The Plastic People), but it doesn’t have to be. You do not need to be a professional pruner or proactive planter with colour charts and animal-shaped bushes. Gardening promotes mindfulness and is good for your mental health, so just get out there and dig up some old weeds or research some ‘easy-to-grow’ flowers to add a splash of colour.
If you want to learn more about the basics of gardening (soil, fertiliser, insects, whereabouts to plant things etc), then, we recommend visiting the Garden Design website, who have a great ‘How To’ guide for horticultural beginners. Click here to check that out. 
2. Let there be light! 
Bleak. That’s the one simple word that describes both our British winters and the last 10 or so months of lockdown. We want all gardens and outdoor spaces to be a place of respite from the general bleakness of our current situation -- and the easiest way to do that is through the introduction of more colour and light. 
How do you bring light into your garden, I hear you ask? Well, it’s fairly simple, and it does not matter whether your garden is south- or east-facing. Plastic mirrors are cost-effective installations that project and reflect light into your garden/outdoor space -- no matter how big or small it might be. We can cut perspex mirrors to any shape or size so you can have a classic square mirror or even an arch if you want! Click here to head to our website and see what a garden mirror can do for your mood.  
Another way to make your garden feel brighter is through the introduction of colour. This could be through some cleverly placed bouquets, but if you’re not particularly green-fingered, we have another solution for you. Coloured plastic panels are perfect to create an exciting outdoor display. Check out how one of our customers did just this by clicking here.
3. Alternative Growing Spaces
It’s fairly trendy in this age of modernity and minimalism for people to have their gardens paved over or install astroturf to limit upkeep. On one hand, this limits your growing/planting opportunities, but, as with all things, there is a simple solution: alternative growing spaces. 
What do we mean by alternative growing spaces? You may more commonly know of these buildings as greenhouses and the like. But, there is more to it than that! Greenhouses are traditionally quite large appliances, that’s why we have some other ideas for you, such as cold frame glazing which acts as mini-greenhouse-boxes -- perfect for herb gardens and the like. Click here to check out all our glazing options.
We also recommend getting creative with storage. Start building plant beds in old containers and boxers or even bowls. This also allows you to have more house plants as they are neatly contained. 
If you are looking for a new shed, we have flat pack solutions so you don’t have to worry about the intricacies of construction. Click here to check our sheds, including bin hideaways! 
4. Getting the kids involved 
We began this blog talking about the need to create welcoming outdoor spaces to alleviate the humdrum feelings of lockdown. Another way to improve this experience for the whole is to let the kids get involved. If you’re fed up with homeschooling, give them a little spade and send your children to work digging up weeds! (We do not recommend leaving your children unsupervised, though…) 
Growing fruit and vegetables at home is also a great way to (hopefully) encourage your kids to eat more of their five-a-day and fewer biscuits. Whatever your gardening plans are for this year, make sure to have fun with it! We all deserve a break, and some smiles, after the difficulties of the 10 months. 
That brings us neatly to the end of the garden-focused blog. We hope you are more equipped and ready to tackle that overgrown and slightly decaying outdoor space. If you take any of our tips on board, we would love to see pictures of the final product! Feel free to tag us on Twitter or Instagram @barkstonplastic. We can also be reached on Facebook  
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