Not only is our clear acrylic totally clear (the clue is in the title!!) but it’s really robust and lightweight too, so is great for using if you need to have the flexibility of transporting your artwork. Whether its for delivery to a customer or in Coldplay’s case travelling with them during their recent tour. Coldplay Album Artwork This incredible collage framed using a huge sheet of clear acrylic was produced by artist Pilar Zeta for Coldplay and was used to promote their album A Head Full of Dreams. Needlework Project The artwork for this fantastic needlework project is based on the bay windows of National trust property, Newark Park in Gloucestershire and was made to be included in an exhibition there. As the piece is textured and the customer wanted it to be freestanding rather than enclosed behind glass, 20mm clear acrylic block has been drilled to allow the needlework to be sewn to the front of it for display. Amazing Artwork A clear acrylic frame sets off this fabulous artwork by a talented young art student. Handcut Vinyl Art 3mm acrylic has been used as a canvas for this amazing hand cut vinyl art. If you want to try your own project and you need any advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly customer service team.